“喂!我在这里,罗杰小弟弟。”没多久,身着白色晚礼服的克丽丝就出现了。“过了今晚你就再也不敢叫我小弟弟”“喂!想什么呢?”克丽丝拿手在耳东面前晃了晃后说。In the year 2025, the 45th President of the United States of America is back for his 2rd term in office and re-implements the Purge. With the 2nd Mexican border wall in the works, Homeland Security is cracking down on criminals to Make America Safe Again. Bill Wilson makes the bust of his career by taking down a member of the Mexican Drug Cartel and makes a small seizure of nar...🇭🇲是啊🔈我们最近摊上的最大的事🤸♂️就是那个被你们抓住的军官神神秘秘交给我们一些科学忍具🇳🇬让我们对火之国特使格杀勿论吧🌞🐰熊二接着说💡🌫️我只是一个忽然来了兴趣路过的剑客🩻🦂无三嘴角上扬🦹却没有继续说原因👩🦽因为他在等🦢等这江湖无聊的套路🎉🌿莹莹🔠最近我们为什么经常练习怎么用小木刀啊🕗🌜平儿对最近辛苦的频密的练习有点抱怨🧑🍼🇧🇴我比较想去和小宝🚊收养的野兔😮玩🇬🇮🩻平儿嘟起了小嘴🇸🇷